Colorado 811

Company Description

Colorado 811 (UNCC) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, funded by its member facility owner(s) / operator(s). Its purpose is to act as a communications link between excavators and underground facility owner(s)/operator(s) for Locate Requests when excavation is needed.  Colorado 811 is the statewide messaging contact center for the state of Colorado only. If you are excavating in other states, please refer your requests to those state’s one-call centers.


Colorado 811 is a communications link and does not locate any facilities.

Colorado revised statutes require that anyone who engages in any type of excavation must provide advance notice to the underground facility owner(s) / operator(s). The notice must be provided by the excavator at least three (3) full business days prior to any excavation, not including the day of the call. A precise definition of “excavation” is included in the state law.


To process a ticket, please contact 811. For more information, to receive damage prevention training, or web ticket entry training, please email


Division 2 - Site Construction

  • Excavation Support & Shoring Systems
  • Site Preparation
  • Surveying